Read about the life and work of the Attingham Wardens

Attingham Park is a National Trust property comprising of an 18th Century mansion set in a Repton landscape; the Park and wider Estate includes a deer park, walled garden, several miles of the rivers Severn and Tern, extensive farmland and woodlands.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Snowdrop weekend - candle lit walks

Tonight we had a fantastic turnout for the candle lit walk as people wrapped up and braved the cold to wander up to the Walled Garden and see it in a whole new light. The paths and garden were lit by lanterns, candles and fairy lights and the bothy was open to all to warm up by the stove and enjoy a glass of mulled wine or mulled apple juice (from the apples in our own orchard). Join us tomorrow from 5-7pm for another evening of cosy fun.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

War on Rhododendron ponticum!

Rhododendron ponticum is a non-native, invasive species that was introduced in the 1700's as an ornamental plant; it was also popular on Victorian country estates as vegetation cover for game birds. Today it is a menace, threatening native habitats and plant species by out-competing them - in the right conditions, ponticum will grow metres tall and its thick foliage starves other, smaller plants of light.

There is a large area of this plant growing at the north end of the Deer Park, and last week we started to clear it by cutting it down to the ground and burning it. This will not eradicate rhododendron - it is extremely vigorous and hard to get rid of - but by regularly cutting the foliage back we can control it, prevent it from spreading too far, and allow some light back to the woodland floor.

Volunteer Jack keeps the fire burning on a chilly morning

Everyone loves a bit of rhody-bashing!