They're on their way! While walking through some of the woodland with my colleagues we spotted the first snowdrops peeking out of the leafy ground. Not in flower yet, but a very welcome sight indeed - Attingham has some fantastic displays of snowdrops and in a few more weeks the woodland floors will be carpeted in this beautiful white flower.
This year Attingham is going to hold some special events revolving round the snowdrops, including extended opening hours on the 11th-14th February where visitors will be able to walk to some of the best viewing places and see the flowers by candlelight. I believe there will be mulled wine and mulled apple juice available from the Bothy as well... all the more reason to join in! Right now, staff are collecting jam jars to create lanterns so that we can light the pathways up and create a really beautiful, serene atmosphere.
Other news from the last few days includes the rising floodwater! The River Tern and River Severn have been steadily rising and have now overflowed out across the riverbanks and meadows. This creates quite a dramatic scene, as you can see in the photo below, as the water stretches out across the land infront of Attingham (picture taken from Tern Bridge).
Finally, I also had a lovely moment yesterday as I paused for a lunch break and looked up to see a sparrowhawk sat on a pile of bricks about 5 metres away from my vehicle. Unfortunately it flew off as I reached for my camera but it was still fantastic to see such a beautiful bird of prey so close by.